Captain Crunch’s Peanut Butter CRACK.  That’s what it should be called.  I have a problem.  I love this cereal.  I’m Sherlock Holmes, it’s cocaine.  I’m our dog, Roxy, and the Captain is rawhide.  I’m not going to lie; the Captain and I have a history.  I thought it was over long ago.  Then, my son, Andy, bought some, I had a couple pieces and all bets were off.  We reconnected.  That box is gone and I just went and bought another box.   I don’t even put it in milk, I just eat it right out of the box.

Don’t  judge me.  Carl Jung would judge me.  He said:  “Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine, or idealism.”  Way to bring down the room, Carl.  Go sit on the downer couch with Edgar Allan Poe, who said, “I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge.  It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom.”  Edgar — or do you prefer Edgar Allan, or simply Mr. Creepy — you missed out, buddy.  If you had self-medicated with the Captain, maybe you would have cheered up a little and not written about tell-tale hearts, brick wall tombs, and ravens.  Also, you could have worked a fun maze on the back of the box.

Remember the loser couch in the snobby Omega fraternity in “Animal House,” where Larry Kroger and Kent Dorfman are taken to sit with Jugdish, Mohammat, Sidney and Clayton?  “Don’t be shy about helping yourselves to punch and cookies.”  Maybe Edgar and Carl could sit there for fun party smalltalk.

My diet is not without balance.  Because I also have Whipstone Farm.  Here in Prescott, Arizona, we have great local farms, and we bought a farm share with Whipstone.  Every Tuesday we pick up a huge bag of fresh vegetables.  We got the flower share, too, so in addition to eating greens, carrots, turnips, tomatoes, and broccoli just about every day, we will have fresh-cut flowers in the house until October.  Pretty nice!  My younger son, Josh, is my farm buddy.  He goes with me to pick up the veggies, and then he helps me find recipes.  His favorite vegetable is kohlrabi.  We never had it before we started the farm share last year.  It’s in the cabbage family, a funky-looking bulb with long stalks sticking up like antennae and leaves at the top.  We blanch the greens and then toss them in sesame oil and soy sauce, and we cut up the bulb and make a quick pickle, with rice vinegar, a little olive oil, salt and pepper.

In the movie, “The Natural,” Robert Redford plays this kind of mythic baseball player, Kim Basinger is a temptress out to ruin his game, and Glenn Close is his childhood sweetheart, who stands for all that is right and good.  She stands up as he is batting, and when he sees her in the crowd, he hits one out of the park.  I’m not saying the Captain is all bad, or that kohlrabi is Glenn Close, which would be weird.  I’m hoping for moderation in all things.

And maybe another handful of Peanut Butter Crunch.


This post and all blog content Ⓒ Copyright Janet Farrar Worthington.


Just an update on my ongoing negative feelings toward the Wii Fit Plus little animated balance board dude.  So, I’ve been running, working out, and dutifully wearing my little Wii pedometer everywhere, every single day, so I can suck up to the Wii and get credit for wandering around the grocery store and walking the dogs.   “It looks like you’re only burning about 250 calories a day.”  There is never any kind of conversation like, “Hey, you’re doing great!  I see you’re making the effort to work out!”  None of that.

Instead, to meet my goal of losing two pounds in two weeks, the Wii dude said I needed to burn 500 calories a day, and I had no choice!  I had to hit “A” on the Wii Fit Plus tablet, or I couldn’t move on!  So I kept logging in and checking my calories, and I made it to 435 calories burned, and I was just done for the day.   Couldn’t do any more. Plus, I kept doing calorie-burning exercises instead of strength training and yoga, which I wanted to do.  There is no way to change this mandated calorie-burning setting, as far as I can tell.  Andy and I searched the internet and we found diddley squat.

As it happened, that same day, I weighed myself on the Wii board later in the morning than usual.  “You’ve gained 1.9 pounds.”  Then it forced me to a screen where I had to identify the reason for this weight gain.  The reasons it had available were winners like, “Late dinners.”  There was nothing I could click on that said, “I just ate breakfast!  I’m full of cereal!”

Again I got the “Just thought I’d mention it” snark that I usually weigh myself earlier (see my previous post).  There was no choice to click on that said, “My son was playing his Donkey Kong game on the Wii U and I couldn’t get on until now!”

Similarly, there is nothing to click on that says, “It’s my time of the month and I’m bloated up with water weight and my exercise pants barely fit but at least I’m here standing on your stupid scale and subjecting myself to your abuse so why don’t you just shut the hell up?”

After that, I did the two tests that the Dude came up with, “One for your body, one for your mind.”  I did okay with the balance one, then there was a new one that required me to blow into the Wii Fit Plus Tablet.  I didn’t even know where to blow, but Josh said into the microphone, so I did.  That put air into this virtual bubble.  Then the bubble started to drift to the left.  I kept blowing, and it hit a wall and burst.  Test over, with no instruction how to do it.  “Looks like lung capacity isn’t your strong point.  Do you get out of breath a lot?”   I really hate that guy.

I took yesterday off.  What a great day!  I had recently had a conversation with an anti-carb friend about eating fewer grains, and I had spent Saturday feeling guilty for my life, trying to determine which foods I could eat that would be Stone Age-appropriate.  This is a huge crock, by the way.  Those poor bastards were starving.  What do you think they’d have done if they had stumbled across a box of Cheerios?  Scarfed it down.  And the box!  They’d have eaten that, too!  Do you think they’d have sniffed at the carb load?    But I was AWOL — so we got Domino’s pizza.  I did get the thin crust, which was very good despite having fewer carbs, but I washed it down with a Coke!

I toasted the Wii Fit U, which was not on.


This post and all blog content Ⓒ Copyright Janet Farrar Worthington.