Entries by Janet

Constant surveillance

Forget the NSA. For real experts in constant monitoring and surveillance of the smallest details, turn to a dog. At night, if I get up to go to the bathroom, I make sure never to put on my glasses, because our Lab, Molly, who only pretends to sleep but is actually watching somehow through closed […]

My mailman’s name

Small town problems:  I don’t know my mailman’s name. He has told me, and I instantly forgot.  It is a terrible flaw I have, and I come by it honestly. My dad, for years, had a default first name of Fred for men whose names he couldn’t remember. My mailman has gone out of his […]

Halos vs. Cuties

In a non-endorsed, side-by-side comparison, our three kids voted Cuties as the overwhelming favorite. “What are Cuties®? No….they are not your young child, your relative or your beloved pet…they are a part of the Sun Pacific family!” We found Halos drier and not as tasty. I don’t know if our experience is unique, but in […]

The family that shoots together

I am really proud to say that our entire family shoots well.  Josh, age 9, is completely relaxed as he aims for the target and pulls the trigger.  Blair and Andy are great shots, as is Mark.  I am a good shot, too, although I take a while to get my aim just right.  I […]

Poor Mr. Chilly!

New to Arizona, we put him out on the porch last winter and did not realize that even in cold weather, things can fade in the sun. Mr. Chilly was looking washed out and sad… But no more! All it took was two coats with a Sharpie. Now he’s Mr. Chilly yet Vibrant!   This […]

The Virginia farmhouse

This is the farmhouse house in Virginia before we bought it.  I know it’s before we bought it because the owner cut down the flagpole when he left, leaving us a stump of PVC pipe. We bought the house for the land:  Rolling hills, the Blue Ridge mountains in the background, the willows along the […]

I’m starting a blog!

Seems there was a treasure ship on its way back to port.  About halfway there, it was approached by a pirate, skull and crossbones waving in the breeze! “Captain, captain, what do we do?” asked the first mate. “First mate,” said the captain, “go to my cabin, open my sea chest, and bring me my […]