Entries by Janet

Guilty Food Shame… Actually Not Really!

I make my living as a health writer and I mostly eat healthy food.  I even gave up eating my beloved Frosted Cinnamon Pop Tarts years ago.  But like a salmon driven by instincts so primitive and fundamental that it risks its life and being eaten by grizzly bears and eagles to swim upstream, I […]

Actively Unplugging

            I am wearing a new watch with this amazing feature:  it tells time!  That’s it!              I do have an Apple watch, all plugged in and ready to go.  It’s perfectly fine, works great, tracks my every step, my calories, and my heart rate.  It can even do an EKG – and I’ve done […]

Walking the Dogs in Virginia

            If you are one of my new neighbors and you were minding your own business – maybe sitting outside enjoying the morning, having a cup of coffee – I’m sorry.             I just walked the dogs again.             This should be a fairly straightforward event.  A transaction, if you will:  I will take you […]

Two Irish Siris

     Due to some Apple software glitch, I have two Siris.  They are both Irish.  I like having Siri with an accent.  For a while, she had a British-Indian accent.  She’s been Australian, and now her Irish relatives are on the job.             It was going so well.  Irish Siri is cheerful, upbeat, thoughtful:  […]

Prostate Wine

You might look at the words, “Prostate Wine,” and think:  “I’m pretty sure I don’t want to drink that.” Completely understandable!  But be assured, dear reader:  this is not some far more gross version of Swamp Butt, or even anything remotely distasteful.             Actually, it’s a wonderful thing.  A celebration.  A bright, unexpected spark after a […]

I Miss the Mall!

I miss the mall.  So much.  Not our current mall, limping along with its few stores, just hanging on by a thread and devastated by yet another blow, aka global pandemic.  No, I miss the mall from back in the day. I miss the mall packed with people, no stores boarded up, where if you […]

Trying Times

It’s a spit storm right now, people!  We’re right in the thick of it, and several things can happen in these trying times:   We can freak out.  Well, I think the current national coronavirus toilet paper shortage is evidence that this has occurred.  Good news:  we’re a nation of wipers!  So, there’s that.  The […]