Entries by Janet


Hallmark Movies: Props for the Prop!

You know I love Hallmark movies.   I love both kinds – country and western, as they said at Bob’s Country Bunker in “The Blues Brothers.”  Or, in the case of Hallmark, the romantic comedies and the mysteries.  The dramas are good, too, but since I feel there’s enough drama in the world, I prefer the lighter movies.             Yes, I’ve had […]

Woman of Letters

I used to write letters all the time. I had a pen pal in England. I wrote letters to relatives, to friends from out of state, to President Richard Nixon – long before Watergate, and he sent me black-and-white prints from his trip to China. It was no big deal. I would just sit down, […]


Time Travel and Murder, She Wrote

Can we just pause for a minute to bask in the glory that is “Murder, She Wrote?” Thank God for Hallmark showing this on TV – several episodes, every night. My sons are even getting into it. They like Jessica Fletcher, played to perfection by Angela Lansbury. Well, really, Angela Lansbury is perfection, that goes […]

The Human Comedy

At 6:30 this morning, I was standing in the kitchen, dying laughing. Usually, I’m barely functioning at this time of the day, walking around like an old person, with a righteous bed head, just trying to make myself some iced tea so the caffeine can get in there and help me function. But when the […]

Losing It

Okay, so I’m trying to lose some weight. It’s just a few pounds, but even though I have been exercising regularly for years, for sinister and mysterious reasons those extra pounds have not come off. It’s my dang tummy. I’m the Pop’n’Fresh Dough Girl. My youngest kid, Josh, says it’s “extra muscle,” and I always […]