Entries by Janet

Beauty with a Side of Fashion

You know why I look so good in my makeup mirror? The lighting. Whoever figured out that bright, whitish lights, coming from below, produce flawless skin and just generally make the world a better place was a genius. Light from below, you say? Like Lon Chaney or Boris Karloff, or Severus Snape in Harry Potter? […]

Journey to the Land of Books? Rain Check!

“If you could travel to any fictional book world, where would you go and what would you do there?” I have thought a lot about the Land of Books, and used to dream about jumping into one, like Mary Poppins and Bert with the sidewalk chalk paintings. How cool would it be – just imagine […]

Sometimes, Puppies Happen

When it comes to dogs, we are stuck on Labs.  It hasn’t always been this way. We have had many mixed breeds over the years, including Jake, a Lab-Shepherd mix; Lucy, a Lab-Dalmatian mix; Betsy, a Lab-Beagle mix; Jenna, mostly black Lab; and Henry, a Golden Retriever-Bassett Hound mix, who looked just like a Golden […]

Morning in Prescott

It’s another beautiful morning in Prescott, Arizona, the mile-high town in the mountains that is my home. It’s a school day, so I’m up early. Who am I kidding, I would be up early, anyway, because the dogs have some kind of internal Greenwich Mountain Time atomic clock that causes them to wake me – […]

You Should See the Other Guy

I look like I’ve been in a bar fight. My face is all swollen up: imagine a Cabbage Patch doll, but with bruising. I have no energy and I feel like crap.   I joke, “You should see the other guy,” but really, he looks perfectly fine. He’s a dentist.

Just Some Random Questions

Why would anyone write a song that features these lyrics: “Crimson and clover, over and over.”  And then say them… over and over.  And then, why would someone feel the need to remake that song?  Who knew that was an unmet need? Go ahead and click it. You know you want to hear it. When […]

The Dip Machine

There is a machine in the weight room at the YMCA in Prescott.  I’m not sure of its proper name, but it’s something like the Dip Machine.  You stand on this platform, and you can lower yourself down and then push yourself back up; you can also do pull-ups on it.  One day, feeling ambitious […]