modern worship

I want to say the Apostle’s Creed regularly in church. It starts like this:  “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth…”  I know the whole thing, but it’s not that brief and I’m trying to make a point here.  I want to sing the “Gloria Patri,” a little song that […]


I am not in compliance.  Yes, I admit it freely, I am a scofflaw, a reckless disregarder of arbitrary, mandatory, policy. My crime?  I have not completed mandatory training. For the PTA.  And, because I’m an officer of the PTA, the secretary, I need to complete not only the “Basic” PTA course, but the Local […]


Topic of a recent sermon at our church:  Who’s welcome here?  Answer:  Everyone.  There should be no litmus test – skin color, sexual preference, etc. – because we all belong to God. I wish it were that easy out in the rest of the world.  I used to be a news junkie: I read newspapers, […]


Thank God for funny people.  I’m blessed with them:  friends and family who make me laugh, and whom I love to make laugh.  Laughter is what keeps us sane, I think.  Furthermore, I think we were made that way:  God has a sense of humor.  Just look at the platypus! Humor is the vitamin that […]


I have come to realize that something remarkable happens when we hit a certain age:  Apparently, we can get all the calories we need from air. Everything else makes us gain weight. No kidding, I used to be able to scarf down a big old piece of cake, go for a run, and it was […]


I went to bed happy last night and woke up to more senseless killing.  This one was a little different.  It was Orlando; I don’t think they’ve had a mass killing there for a while, so that was new.  Then, of course, the large scale – 50 people dead so far as I write this.  […]

star wars bunny

It makes perfect sense that May 4 is a big calendar day for Star Wars fans.  Except, “May the Fourth be with you” sounds like it should be from the movie, “Thtar Warth,” with Printheth Leia and Luke Thkywalker. And of course, that makes me think of the priest performing the wedding in another favorite […]


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Bumble Creek Farm

A delightful true account, told with love and humor by award-winning writer Janet Farrar Worthington, of her young family's riotous adventures on their own "Green Acres," as two urban professionals "who had no idea whatsoever what we were doing" start a farm in beautiful Horse Oak, Virginia.

Janet has done it again in this charming book giving happy little snapshots of home and family, animals with attitude, life in a small town, and finding the funny when everything seems crazy.